When old and new worlds collide! CEO Tiffany meets TV Tiffany.

As we wrap up a day of prep and recording for our last ALL-VIRTUAL Women Lead Change Leadership Conference, I overheard a reminder of why I love my job. An attendee from one of the city’s largest employers said, “Women Lead Change played a big role in making me the leader I am today.” Outstanding and humbling praise. It’s truly the pleasure of my life to lead an organization that is changing lives one person at a time.
You never know who and how you’re going to affect people. I’m remind
ed that I was once one of those women who’s life view changed after a WLC Conference.
The result: a new career at an organization that leads change, every day. If I’ve learned anything on this new journey to lead Cedar Rapids, it’s that I am already changed for the better thanks to so many of YOU who’ve taken time to share hopes, fears and dreams for our great city.
I wonder who will be next? And who’s life will be affected?
All of you are who keep me going.