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CR Casino Increases Contribution as O'Donnell Advocated in May

Back in May, I publicly challenged any future casino owners to raise the contributions to non-profits from the previous 3% to at least 5%. (See the story here.) Yesterday, we learned that they accepted that challenge and even exceeded it! Peninsula Pacific Entertaining announced that it would contribute 8% back to non profits! At a time when our non-profits are budgeting without past funding sources, this is a game changer for many of them and, ultimately, our community that benefits from their services. This announcement means millions of dollars back into the county and Cedar Rapids. Prompting action before I’m even in the job - this is how I will lead as mayor! Expect me to be out in front advocating for the needs of our city and the non-profits that support so many.

A casino is just one piece of an overall vision to foster a vibrant, prosperous and growing CR!

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